Do Shih Tzus Like to Cuddle or Not? (Find Out Here!)

Do Shih Tzus Like to Cuddle

Shih Tzus are known to be companion dogs but are they good cuddlers?

Do shih tzu like to cuddle? Yes, They Really Do! Shih Tzus are among the most popular companion dogs because of their loving and affectionate nature. And yes, one of the things they love to do is cuddle! If you have a Shih Tzu, you can expect plenty of snuggles. They will likely want to cuddle with you during cold days when you sleep in your bed or watch TV on the sofa.

Keep reading to learn more about why Shih Tzus likes to cuddle and how you can make your dog more cuddly.

Why Does Shih Tzus Like to Cuddle?

Shih Tzu’s affectionate nature is a result of their history.

They were bred for the Emperor of China and were used to alert people of intruders.

Over time, they became a favorite dog breed of the Imperial Chinese court as companion dogs rather than working dogs.

For more than a hundred years, they have been bred to be companion dogs.

Modern breeders will choose dogs to mate which have the most affectionate personality.

Even Shih Tzus that don’t like to be held or cuddle still enjoy being near their owners.

This is because they are bred to crave companionship and love being around people.

Here are some other reasons why your Shih Tzu may like to cuddle you:

Trust and Strong Bond

Shih Tzu, which strongly bonds with its owner, is likelier to want to cuddle.

This is because they trust their owner and feel safe in their arms.

Cuddling is also a way for them to show their affection for you.

Seeking Warmth

Another reason your Shih Tzu may want to cuddle you is for warmth.

The Shih Tzu is a small dog that weighs around 9 – 16 lbs and can feel the cold easily.

They will often cuddle up to you.

Because cuddling can conserve their body heat and helps them to feel warm.

If you live in a cold climate, consider getting your Shih Tzu a nice, cozy, fluffy dog bed.

This will give him a place to curl up when they feel cold.

Needing Comfort

Shih Tzus may also cuddle with their owner for comfort.

If they’re feeling anxious, stressed, or scared, being in your arms can help to calm them down.

This is because they feel safe and secure with their owner.

Showing Love and Affection

Cuddling is also a way for your Shih Tzu to show affection for you.

They may want to cuddle with you because they love you and enjoy your company.

Natural Instinct

Cuddling may also be an instinct for Shih Tzus.

Puppies need to cuddle their mother to survive because they need milk and warmth.

Their mother provides both of these things until they age, open their eyes, and become independent.

Shih Tzu retains this instinct when they grow up and may want to cuddle with their owner for the same reasons.

So, if your Shih Tzu likes to cuddle, it could be for any of these reasons.

Why May Some Shih Tzus Not Like to Cuddle?

However, not all dogs are the same. 

Some Shih Tzus may not enjoy being held or touched and would rather sit on your lap or lay next to you.

There are several reasons why your Shih Tzu may not enjoy being cuddled:

Anxiety or Fear

One reason your Shih Tzu may not want to cuddle is that they may be anxious or afraid.

If they’re not used to being held or touched, it can make them feel uncomfortable.

They may also be afraid of being dropped or hurt.

It’s essential only to try to cuddle your Shih Tzu when they seem relaxed and comfortable.

If they’re tense or try to squirm away, it’s best to leave them be.

This anxiety or fear might be because of their past experiences.

They might be scared of being touched if they were abused or neglected.

Be patient with your Shih Tzu, and give them time to trust you before trying to cuddle them.

Pain or Discomfort

Another reason your Shih Tzu may not want to cuddle is because they may be in pain or discomfort.

If they’re not feeling well, the last thing they want is to be held.

They may also be sensitive to touch if they have arthritis or another condition that causes pain.

If you think your Shih Tzu doesn’t want to cuddle because they’re in pain, it’s best to take them to the vet.

Your vet can determine if they’re in pain and recommend the best course of treatment.


Your Shih Tzu may not want to cuddle you because they might feel hot. 

If it’s warm outside or you’re sweating, your Shih Tzu may not want to be in your arms.

They may prefer to lay on the floor or bed where it’s cooler.


Last but not least, some Shih Tzus don’t enjoy being held or touched.

It’s just their personality! 

If your Shih Tzu falls into this category, don’t force them to cuddle. 

It will only make them anxious and stressed.

Instead, try giving them their space and let them come to you when they’re ready.

How to Get Your Shih Tzu to Cuddle?

If you’re hoping your Shih Tzu will cuddle with you, there are a few things you can do to encourage them:

Make Your Bond Stronger

One of the best things you can do to get your Shih Tzu to cuddle is to make your bond stronger.

This means spending more time with them, playing with them, and giving them lots of love and attention.

The stronger your bond is, the more likely they’ll want to cuddle with you.

Give Them treats

Giving your Shih Tzu treats is a great way to get them to do what you want.

If you give them a treat every time they cuddle with you, they’ll start to associate cuddling with getting a treat.

This will make them more likely to cuddle with you in the future.

Be Patient

Be patient with your Shih Tzu, and do not force them to cuddle if they don’t want to.

Forcing them to cuddle will only make them anxious and stressed.

Give them time, and they’ll likely come to you when they’re ready for a cuddle.

What Are the Benefits of Cuddling With Your Shih Tzu? 

Cuddling with your Shih Tzu has many benefits for you and your dog.

Some of the benefits of cuddling with your Shih Tzu include:

It Reduces Stress

One of the best things about cuddling with your Shih Tzu is that it can help reduce your stress. 

Studies have shown that oxytocin, also known as the “cuddle hormone,” is released when people cuddle.

This hormone has many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety.

It can also help lower blood pressure.

So, if you’re stressed, try cuddling with your Shih Tzu.

It might just be the stress reliever you need!

Improves Your Mood

Cuddling with your Shih Tzu can also improve your mood.

This is because oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” is also known for boosting moods. 

Improves Your Bond with Your Doggie

Cuddling is also a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your Shih Tzu.

Cuddling is a form of affection that lets your Shih Tzu know that you love them.

This can help improve your relationship with your dog and make them feel more loved.

What Are the Best Ways to Cuddle With Your Shih Tzu? 

There are many different ways to cuddle with your Shih Tzu.

Some of the best ways to cuddle with your Shih Tzu include:

Sitting on the Floor

One great way to cuddle with your Shih Tzu is to sit on the floor with them.

This way, they can come close to you and cuddle against you. 

You can also put your arms around them and hug them.

Laying in Bed

Another great way to cuddle with your Shih Tzu is to lay in bed with them.

This way, you can snuggle up close to them and keep each other warm.

Cuddling on the Sofa

You can also cuddle with your Shih Tzu on the sofa. 

This is a great way to relax and watch TV together.

You can put your arm around them, or they can lay their head in your lap.

How Do You Know if Your Shih Tzu Loves You?

Okay, now you know how to get your Shih Tzu to cuddle, but how do you know if he loves you?

Here are a few signs that your Shih Tzu loves you:

Follow You Around

If your Shih Tzu follows you around the house, it’s a sign that he loves you.

He wants to be near you and is always happy when he’s by your side.

Lean on You

Another sign that your Shih Tzu loves you is when he leans on you.

This is his way of showing affection and wanting to be close to you. He may also rest his head on your leg or lay his head on your lap.

Give You Kisses

Does your Shih Tzu give you kisses? If so, it’s another sign that he loves you. Shih Tzus typically only give kisses to the people they love.

So, if your dog is giving you kisses, it means he loves you and wants to show you how much he cares.

Cuddle With You

Of course, one of the best ways to know if your Shih Tzu loves you is if he cuddles with you.

If your dog cuddles with you, it means he feels comfortable and safe around you and wants to show you how much he cares.

What Makes Shih Tzus So Special?

Shih Tzus are some of the sweetest and most loyal dogs around.

They’re very affectionate and playful and love nothing more than to cuddle up with their human companions.

They’re also charming, which only makes them more lovable.

But what sets Shih Tzus apart is their unique ability to make everyone they meet feel special.

Their personality is so contagious that it’s impossible not to fall in love with them.

Plus, their cuteness is pretty much off the charts.

So, a Shih Tzu is perfect if you’re looking for a dog who will quickly become your best friend and melt your heart with its cuteness!


Here  are some frequently asked questions about cuddling with your Shih Tzu:

Are Male or Female Shih Tzu More Cuddly? 

Both male and female Shih Tzu can be very affectionate, but males tend to be more cuddly. This is because males are more caring, attentive, and accepting than females. On the other hand, female Shih Tzus are confident, assertive, stubborn, and dominant. But that does not make them less of a charmer.

How Much Should I Cuddle My Shih Tzu?

You should cuddle your Shih Tzu as much as he wants. Some dogs love being cuddled all the time, while others only want to be cuddled when sleepy or taking a nap. So, it really varies from dog to dog. Just pay attention to your dog’s body language and cues to know when he wants to be cuddled.

Does Shih Tzu Like to Be Carried?

Yes, Shih Tzus generally like to be carried. This is because they feel safe and secure when close to their human companions. But be careful to hold them securely and not let them slip.

Does Shih Tzus Get Attached to One Person?

Yes, Shih Tzus can get attached to one person. They typically form a strong bond with the person who cares most for them. But that doesn’t mean they don’t love everyone in the family. Instead, they have a special connection with the person they see as their leader.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a loyal and affectionate dog, the Shih Tzu is perfect for you.

These dogs are known for their cuddly personality and love nothing more than to curl up with their human companions.

Thanks to their charming personalities, they also make everyone they meet feel special.

So, if you’re looking for a dog who will quickly become your best friend, the Shih Tzu is definitely the breed for you!

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